Wingless Workload - Post jam edition !

What a jam ! After 10 pretty intense days I managed a game I'm quite proud of even tho there were clear hinderances from pushing it to the top of the jam games (although 57th isn't a small feat either)

I've tried to address most of the criticism related to repetitiveness and the clarity of the levels in this post-jam update (and should be the only update unless I decide to push this game further, which I just might, I really like this style of game)

In this update :

  • Reduced the number of flowers needed per level from 4 to 2
  • Reduced the time per level
  • Added indicators showing you what are your options on each space and showing you exactly where you'll move
  • Number of flowers needed ramps up to 3 after beating the clouds level twice
  • Removed the jump button, you now jump with the up arrow
  • You cannot jump in front of vines anymore
  • Enemies spawn faster to fit with the levels having less flowers to grab
  • Added many spots where you can go in level 1
  • Changed the branch-button to add an indication that it is indeed a switch
  • Added a second button in the opposite state in level 1 to force the player to use the vine
  • Removed diagonal movement from vines and ledges for falling spots instead
  • The buttons don't reset anymore after reaching the queen or dying
  • In level 1 and 2, the flower changes spot on the third flower (the second doesn't need to move since the level doesn't reset)
  • In level 3 and 4, the flower always changes spot after reaching the queen
  • Changed the sound effect of enemies dying (Mites and Birds have their own sound now)
  • Added a sound effect when hitting a branch-button
  • Added a sound effect when using a teleporter
  • Menus are now navigable using the keyboard
  • Movement is now relative to the space between 2 spots (before the time to move from 2 spots was always the same whether the spots were close or far away)
  • Cleaned the pixelart of the clouds in level 4
  • Added a cloud platform in level 4
  • Removed a vine in level 4
  • Added a leaderboard button on the title screen
  • Moved the honeycombs around to fit with the new flower placement and the non-resetting buttons
  • Fixed a bug where the Y value of the player would be wrong after a jump+move
  • Fixed a bug where the queen was becoming white
  • Fixed a bug where the player could teleport into death after dying while falling


Wingless - Windows - PostJam edition.exe 53 MB
Oct 06, 2021
Wingless - Mac - PostJam Edition.dmg 42 MB
Oct 06, 2021
Wingless Workload-Postjam Play in browser
Oct 06, 2021

Get Wingless Workload or her majesty dies

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